The Schools Company - Frequently Asked Questions

What is Governance?

Governance encompasses the system by which an organisation is controlled and operates, and the mechanisms by which it, and its people, are held to account. Ethics, risk management, compliance and administration are all elements of governance. Put simply, this means that the Board of Directors and the Catholic Schools Office will continue to work towards, and continue to ensure and exhibit, best practice in all decision making, services and operations.

What is DLCSL or the Schools Company?

The Diocese of Lismore Catholic Schools Limited (DLCSL), also referred to as The Schools Company, is a not-for-profit public company limited by guarantee, established by the Diocesan Trustees to govern, administer and conduct Catholic schools within the Diocese of Lismore. The Schools Company has responsibility for all governance issues in schools including compliance and regulatory matters.

The Diocesan Trustees have appointed a Board of Directors who take responsibility for the implementation of the new governance structure for delivering Catholic education, in accordance with the Constitution of the Schools Company. The Honourable John Hannaford AM has been appointed Chair of the Board of Directors.

Will all schools in the Diocese of Lismore transfer to the Schools Company?

Yes, all primary and secondary schools within the Diocese of Lismore will transfer to the Schools Company with the exception of Trinity Catholic College, Lismore, which has a different governing authority.

What will be the role of the Catholic Schools Office (CSO)?

The CSO is the executive arm of the Schools Company. Their role is to administer and continue to serve schools subject to the policies and directives of the Schools Company. The Director of Catholic Schools, Mr Adam Spencer, is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Schools Company.

Will there be changes in the running of schools under the Schools Company?

The day-to-day running of the schools will remain unchanged under the governance of the Schools Company and as such will remain the responsibility of the Principal and each school’s leadership team.

What will be the role of the school's Principal under the Schools Company?

The Principal will continue to be the leader of the school community. The day-to-day leadership and management of the school will continue to be the responsibility of the Principal. The Principal will continue to play a vital role in connecting the school with the life of the parish.

What will be the role of the Parish Priest at schools under the Schools Company?

The Parish Priest will continue to engage with all aspects of school life, including pastoral and sacramental commitments. The Parish Priest will continue to exercise his functions as determined by canon law. While the governance of the school will be the responsibility of the Schools Company through the Catholic Schools Office, the role of the Parish Priest and the function of the school remain integral to the life of the parish community.

What happens to the money the Parishes have raised for the schools over the years?

Money raised by parishes has to be used for the benefit of schools for which the money was raised.

What will happen to the school property, assets and debts of the school when the schools are transferred to the Schools Company?

This is still being fully determined but it is recognised that school land and property is and will remain the property of the parish. Clear formal arrangements will be put in place between each parish and the Schools Company for the continued use of school facilities and the management of school debts.